[Hell Mother] Volume #2, Chapter #1: Hell Mother

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Anonymous said...

Will you be doing the last two chapters of the Junji collection?

Anonymous said...

Not sure if two or more... lost track and Daniel Lau's site (with its comments) went down, so not sure.

But yeah, the question is still pending - guys?

Anssen Augustus said...

Did you guys dropped Kouishuu Radio? It's been a while since I seen one of those...

Kaiju Koi said...

Yes, we've been working on the last two THWOJI stories for a while now, just hit a couple speed bumps along the way that slowed our progress considerably. But they're in the works - promise.

As for Kouishou Radio, I believe there is a 3rd volume to the series, but we have yet to get scans for it.